The MacCaddy is an advertising company that utilizes tabletop digital devices for the best advertising and phone charging solutions in the market for venues such as restaurants, coffee shops, bars, weddings receptions, waiting rooms, events, exhibitions, hotels, etc. Advertising your specials, upcoming events and having additional partners advertise on your device is the best of both worlds. Connecting your customers with social media for improved comments and “likes” will help drive new and return customers.
They also solve a major issue when being away from home or the office. They are a power bank that can charge multiple devices without any power cable needed. Our newest models come with WIFI, single or dual 7/8 LCD touch screens, Android System, pre-installed advertising app, and cloud server to remotely and easily push display content to the devices.
*All of our products have passed FCC certification and obtain a number of design patents, utility model patents and production copyrights.
(770) 653-1229